OnTrack – Tracking Learning and Career Paths of VET graduates, to improve quality of VET provision

The project “On Track” developed a tracking system for graduates of vocational education and training which will enable VET providers to monitor their students’ career and further education.

PROJECT NAME: OnTrack – Tracking Learning and Career Paths of VET graduates, to improve quality of VET provision

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-SK01-KA202-046331

PROGRAM: Erasmus+




  • To analyze, in depth, the context and need in each country.
  • To develop a tracking system for VET graduates at institute level that will feed into the quality assurance system of the VET provider.
  • To pilot test and implement the tracking system, establish tracking mechanism and integrate it, in VET monitoring processes.
  • To support VET providers to establish the tracking mechanism and integrate it into their quality assurance system.


  • Context study of tracking systems and measures:
    • Measures or practices that are in place for tracking VET graduates, even if they are not systematic or comprehensive,
    • Administrative data, already available at the VET providers that can be used in the tracking system,
    • Quality assurance practices and the ‘quality culture’ of the country,
    • Organizational capacity and IT competences in place.
  • Tracking system for VET graduates
  • Guide: Implement tracking system for VET graduates and integrate it into organization quality assurance system:
    • To raise awareness of VET providers on the relevance and usefulness of tracking their own graduates,
    • To support VET providers in the process of establishing their own VET tracking system,
    • To support them to integrate the tracking system into their quality assurance system,
    • To provide step-by-step methodological guidance.


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