PROJECT NAME: REFACE – Regions facing shocks: building resilient communities
PROJECT NUMBER:2020-1-SK01-KA202-078307
PROGRAM: Erasmus +
PROJECT DURATION: 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2022
- MAS LEV – Obcianske zdruzenie MAS LEV, o.z., Coordinator, Slovakia
- ASTRA – Association for innovation and development, Slovakia
- ENTRE –, Slovakia
- CESIE –, Italy
- Université Côte d’Azur-, France
- Policymakers at various levels of governance (i.e. local, national and European)
- Students of higher-educational programs dealing with regional development and public administration
- NGOs active in regional development
- The Erasmus+ project “ReFace – Regions facing shocks: building resilient community” aimed to improve regional adaptability and resilience by providing innovative ways of learning and guidance to policymakers and stakeholders involved in the formulation of regional policies and measures. ReFace supported and improved the possibility to achieve relevant and high-level transversal knowledge and competences in a lifelong learning perspective, through education and training for VET learners.
Syllabus for the MOOC “Regions facing shocks: building resilient community”, based on the need analysis from the European Report on Resilient regions. This resource includes learning objectives, topics covered (4 modules), assignments and assessments, methods of delivery. The syllabus follows an innovative approach: common parts that can be easily and directly transferred to the 4 countries analyzed and specific ones, tailored to the needs of the relevant regions.
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “Regions facing shocks: building resilient community”, tailored to public administration and HEIs students in the area of public administration and regional development. Based on the report of current needs in the field of resilient region-building, the modular course offers a proactive, integrated and multidisciplinary approach to regional and community planning as a prevention of societal, economic and environmental risks and for sustainable development. The course focuses on specific fields of risk, conflict, crises and project management, including notions related to migration, resilience and security.
- The road map “Supporting a Resilient Region – a tool for the Sustainable Communities” is a standalone document, providing advice and tools through a proactive approach to crises. Designed primarily for the public administration, it can be useful for any subject interested in regional development by explaining the steps that regions and communities can take to build and strengthen their resilience. The Roadmap may serve as a tool for self-diagnostic of the level of regional resiliency in targeted regions.