GREENDALE’s overall objective is to develop and make applicable the sustainability skills of higher education students from any subject area.
ASTRA focuses mainly on the following activities: educational and training activities with emphasis on the support for eLearning, WBL and distance learning, promotion of social inclusion and employment development in regions, development of innovative and human potential, business and non-business entities, development of regions with respect to innovation, ICT, educational and informational activities. In various projects, we provide our expertise mainly in formal and non-formal education, dual learning and WBL (e-learning), e-learning, human resource development and management, creation and evaluation of concepts, policies and strategic studies. ASTRA is a well-known partner and supplier in projects and activities aimed at assessing the preparedness of regions and cities for development, preparing plans and programs for development as well as transferring knowledge and skills in regional development from and to Slovakia.
GREENDALE’s overall objective is to develop and make applicable the sustainability skills of higher education students from any subject area.
Project Block.Ed addresses the skills gap in e-learning by implementing micro-credentials, creating flexible learning pathways for adult trainers.
INVESTech aims to support the establishment and development of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs).
SECOVE aims to establish a cooperation platform for Centres of Vocational Excellence across Europe in the sector of renewable and sustainable energy.